
Friday, March 13, 2015

8 Days Left…..Holy S#!&

It’s funny how we handle stress differently depending upon the situation. At work, I’m pretty calm under pressure. My motto is to never let them see you sweat. Note, this does not apply to foolishness. On the flip side, stress management in my personal life is a complete 180. Let’s just say my fuse is short and the explosion is usually unexpected, intense and widespread. Hmmm…this might explain why I’m single. Wait! We’ll delve into that some other time.

Anyway, to date, my moving plans have gone pretty smoothly. I've secured housing, booked my flight, reserved space with the airline for my dog, scheduled my utilities to be turned on, transferred car insurance and I even scheduled a doctor’s appointment. I’m pretty on point right? Well…not so fast. You see, I still have to pack up my belongings at my family’s place where I’m staying and ship my things that are in storage. I also haven’t received a ship date for my car.

Most folks would say it isn't a big deal because I still have 8 days to get it all together. Yeah, yeah that may be true but when you are a planner eight days is the equivalent to the 11th hour. So, this month I anticipate gaining a record amount of weight due to stress killing my already snail’s pace metabolism. Despite it all, I will relax, relate and release because my new adventure will begin in just EIGHT short days.

That is truly something to be excited about!

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on that. Adulting is hard, but you are pulling it off like a boss. I will miss you. xx
