
Monday, May 25, 2015

Two Months

It's been a little over a month since I moved and things are going pretty well. Moving across the country on a tight budget was easier than expected.  It wasn't all smooth sailing but it worked out better than I expected.  For example, I shipped majority of my things via Greyhound and when they arrived most of my beloved Rachel Ray Bubble and Brown bakeware was broken along with my solid marble rolling pin.  Yeah you read that right. Talk about pissed off!  Anyway, I had to file a claim with Greyhound Express Shipping which they denied.  Being an Aries and an avid baker, I disputed the decision and they agreed to cut me a check.  I don't know why they make you go through all of that but I'm not the one. 

Some think the Pacific Northwest is known only for its grey sky, rain and high suicide rate.  I see vibrant greens, mountain views and NO HUMIDITY!  Since arriving the weather has been amazing.  Most days are at least partly sunny and rain is more sporadic than consistent. I haven't gotten to explore as much as I would like yet but I'm putting my list of places to visit together.  Pictures will be posted. 

The main thing folks want to know is do I have any regrets about moving.  I can honestly say no.  While I wish I moved sooner I know that life happens the way it's suppose to. It's taken me a long time for that to sink in.  I'm less stressed and optimistic about the future.  Who knew the "dreary" Northwest would be my happy place/zen spot?  

Friday, March 20, 2015

Recap of My Final Week

The hardest part about moving across the country isn't the hassle of packing up your entire life.  It isn't putting your precious belongings into the hands of an unknown shipper and hoping he gets everything to the final destination the way he received them.   It’s not even the fact that I’ll be moving into an apartment that I've only seen pictures of online.  As stressful as that may be, those are inconveniences that over time will be the hilarious stories I’ll share with family and friends.  
The hardest part about moving across the country isn't starting over from scratch and worrying that you've made the biggest mistake of your life.  Wondering how you’ll face failure if it comes knocking at your door to point its finger in your face and taunt you with the ‘I told you so’.  No, I can deal with that too because after all failure nothing more than a very steep step and a high jump closer to success.   Everyone’s been there or will experience it at some point in their life.  It may take you a few attempts but your appreciation for the view on the other side is well worth the stumbles and falls. 

For me, the hardest part about moving across the country will be the distance it puts between me and my family and friends.   No more popping up on my mother to see how she is doing.  No random weekday lunches with my aunt.  No  more last minute plans with the BFF or checking out a movie with my sister and cousin on a Sunday morning.  No, things won’t be the same.  Connecting will require a bit more coordination and planning and I’m willing to do that.  We’ll text, call, Skype, and FaceTime until we are face-to-face again and able to share a hug and another meal together.

During my last week, between packing, miscellaneous errands, more packing,  an airline mandated vet visit and a much needed hair appointment,  I will spent time with family and friends.  While I may not get to see everyone before I fly out, it doesn't change how I feel about them.  I am truly thankful for the support my family and friends have shown, even ifthey didn't agree with or understand my decision to move.

Yes, it is sad and scary leaving everything that you know behind but change isn't all bad.  There is the excitement of discovering the unknown, the wide eyed wonder that comes with exploring a new city, region and coast.  The opportunity to start over fresh in a new space and the chance to redecorate (mid-century modern is my look this go around).   

Deep down I know this is what I’m meant to do at this stage of my life.  I don’t know how things will turn out but I’m excited for the journey ahead. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

8 Days Left…..Holy S#!&

It’s funny how we handle stress differently depending upon the situation. At work, I’m pretty calm under pressure. My motto is to never let them see you sweat. Note, this does not apply to foolishness. On the flip side, stress management in my personal life is a complete 180. Let’s just say my fuse is short and the explosion is usually unexpected, intense and widespread. Hmmm…this might explain why I’m single. Wait! We’ll delve into that some other time.

Anyway, to date, my moving plans have gone pretty smoothly. I've secured housing, booked my flight, reserved space with the airline for my dog, scheduled my utilities to be turned on, transferred car insurance and I even scheduled a doctor’s appointment. I’m pretty on point right? Well…not so fast. You see, I still have to pack up my belongings at my family’s place where I’m staying and ship my things that are in storage. I also haven’t received a ship date for my car.

Most folks would say it isn't a big deal because I still have 8 days to get it all together. Yeah, yeah that may be true but when you are a planner eight days is the equivalent to the 11th hour. So, this month I anticipate gaining a record amount of weight due to stress killing my already snail’s pace metabolism. Despite it all, I will relax, relate and release because my new adventure will begin in just EIGHT short days.

That is truly something to be excited about!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Everything Happens in Threes

They say everything happens in threes.  Regardless of its good or bad.  Well, today I’m the poster child.  My string of unfortunate events was kicked off this past Sunday when I got home from dinner with my family.  I’m not a cellphone addict.  Like everyone else I misplace it for a very short period of time but I never lose it and I’m pretty good at keeping it in proper working condition.  Can’t make that claim anymore.  It wasn’t until I went to make a call that I realized I couldn’t find my phone.  I searched outside and in the car but nothing.  While I was outside, I spotted a spot closer to my house and decided to move my car.  Lazy?  Maybe but judge me later.  Right now let’s focus on the missing phone. 


Anyway, I went back into the house to check again and still no sign of the phone.  My next option was to use the Find My Phone app on my iPad.  I quickly realized that was a bust as it displayed my phone was offline.  Son of a Witch!  My last ditch effort was to break out the flash light and retrace my footsteps outside again.  There it is!  Face down in the road.  I could see there was dirt on the grooves on the back of my textured case.  Not a good sign.  When I picked it up and turned it over I noticed the screen was cracked.  Yep, either myself or someone else drove over my phone but my beloved iPhone still worked.  GO APPLE!!  One down two to go.


The second bad thing came in the mail this morning in the form of an unexpected bill.  I’ll spare you the details as I’m still trying to wrap my head around that one.  Oy Vey!!!  That brings us to magic number three.  As I stepped off the elevator with my lunch bag, jacket and keys in hand my keys slipped from my fingers and right down the sliver of space between the floor and the elevator.  I stood there and looked down the dark space and listened as my keys fell four flights down the elevator shaft.  In my head, I was doing the dramatic fall to my knees and scream ‘NO’ at the top of my lungs but the sophisticated lady that I am simply turned around and mumbled a few choice curse words multiple times as I frantically searched for our office facilities associate, Jermaine.   


Now, as I sit here waiting for building maintenance to sashay over and retrieve my keys, I focus on what is ahead of me because if everything really does happen in 3s my luck should be on the upswing from here on out.  Right?

Friday, March 6, 2015

14 Days and Counting

2014 was hard! I found myself at 38 years old with no children and in a relationship that was…well it wasn’t. I got depressed, gained weight and just lost myself. The sad thing is I didn’t even know it was happening until one day after he finally moved out I started to feel again. Slowly I started to crawl out of my dark tunnel and assess the damage that was done to my life while I was hiding. It wasn’t pretty so I did what any respectable woman would do…I cried my eyes out. I had a shit storm of things I let slip and getting back on track would not be easy. I felt like I was starting over and at my age I should be settled into my life with a husband and kids. Right? WRONG!! Who said that’s the way it’s supposed to be. My journey is mine and if I live by what everyone else expects I’ll end up feeling like I’ll never measure up. Who wants to live like that? Not me! So, here I am at 39 years old (almost) starting fresh and taking the tattered pieces of my life along with my eight year old dog, Peanut, to the Pacific Northwest. Granted its 2,400 miles away from my family and friends but it’s where I feel the next phase of my life is destined to begin. So follow me as I enter that next phase and navigate my way through a new city and coast. Something tells me life is about to get very interesting